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The Merindad de Sotoscueva Museum


Visit the museum of the Merindad de Sotoscueva.

The Sotoscueva Museum is located in the building known as Casa del Valle, as it is the meeting place for the council of seven of the Merindad towns (La Parte, Entrambosríos, Vallejo, Quintanilla de Sotoscueva, Villabáscones, Cueva and Quisicedo), from ancient times to the present day.

Inside, there is an exhibition where the visitor can learn through its rooms the origin of the Merindades as well as everything related to the Merindad de Sotoscueva; from their towns, councils, customs, traditions, trades, unique buildings, etc., for this it has models, panels, exhibition material, video and computers among others.

In addition, three exhibition booths are distributed outside with the main trades of Sotoscueva that have been forgotten over time, such as carpentry, blacksmithing, honey extraction and charcoal making.

Also, in this enclosure there is a recreational area and a children's playground with excellent views of the Sotoscueva Valley, as well as an access to visit the Tombs of San Félix (anthropomorphic tombs excavated in rock dating from the 10th and 11th centuries).

Another way to access the museum is by hiking route PR-33 El Valle, which starts from the Alto de San Bernabé.

“Visit the Merindad de Sotoscueva Museum. Free entrance.”

Relevant Information

Phone: 645490288 / 947138755


Address: Ctra. BU-526, pk-20 (Parking) QUINTANILLA DE SOTOSCUEVA

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