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Recreational Area "Vivero Forestal de Quintanilla del Rebollar"


Visit the recreational area "Vivero Forestal de Quintanilla del Rebollar"

The path that is followed to get to the Forest Nursery begins at the oak sculpture "The natural witness", in the parking lot of the Ojo Guareña Natural Monument House. It is a walk under the shade of various types of forests such as chestnut groves, oak groves, Scots pine groves,... The tour lasts approximately 45 minutes and is 950 meters long.

The nursery was created in 1952 with the aim of using plants for the repopulation of treeless areas of Merindad de Sotoscueva and other surrounding municipalities. Currently, a walk through the nursery through its botanical route will serve to discover the remarkable variety of species produced throughout its history. More information and brochures at the House of the Natural Monument of Guareña.

Relevant information Address: Quintanilla del Rebollar Park House Phone: 645 490 288


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